Dr. Homam Saleh is passionately committed to providing outstanding oral healthcare to his patients from in and around New York City at his practice, World Trade Center Dental Group. He addresses his patients main concerns with services including dental cleaning and exams, cosmetic dentistry services such as veneers and Invisalign®, as well as urgent care treatments and oral cancer screenings. He helps his patients to make sure they make informed decisions regarding their treatment. He is versed in comprehensive treatment planning, cosmetic procedures and smile design. He is current with the newest technology and practices evidence based dentistry.
Dr. Saleh graduated from New York University College of Dentistry with Honors in Research. He attended postgraduate program at NYU Lutheran Medical Center and graduated with Advanced Education in General Dentistry. Dr. Saleh received many academic awards including Outstanding Service Award and Case of The Month Award from NYU Lutheran Medical Center, Honors in Research Award from New York University and Senior Award from The American Association of Oral Biologist.
Dr. Saleh believes receiving healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and providing oral healthcare, as well as maintaining and creating smiles, is a privilege that will not be taken for granted. Dr. Saleh attended many community outreaches and organized oral cancer walks. Dr. Saleh mission is to expand the access for quality oral healthcare. Dr. Saleh enjoys meeting people from all walks of life, seeing new places and playing soccer.